So after spending our hard earned money on the photography course, Mel and I decided we needed to practice what we've been taught. We decided to head upto Cleland Wildlife Park in the Adelaide Hills to take some photo's of the animals up there on Easter Monday.
We left reasonably early in the morning so that we could make the most of the best light. Not that it really mattered since it was overcast all day. Luckily at 10am, there weren't that many people around, so we were able to get in lots of photo's before the crowds rolled in.
The first exhibit we came across was the the Tasmanian Devil. This poor guy seemed to be the only one in his enclosure, and he spent the entire time running around in a great big circle only stopping once in a while to check out his "cave" before starting on his loop again. We felt really sorry for him.
Following this we started to come across the many kangaroos that live in the park. Most let us get up real close to them before wandering away. Obviously looking for a feed from us.
This old guy what sitting by a tree. Not moving. Just sitting there. Who knew kangaroos go grey when they get old!!
Here's my attempt to catch a wren that was definitely not intending on sitting still for me!
The dingoes were next. As with the kangaroos, they weren't doing much for the day.
The koala's make an easy target for shooting when they are fast asleep!
Once there was a sign of food arriving, a couple of them came to life. One young one, according to the handler tends to get a bit over eager during meal time, jumping from heights a koala really shouldn't jump and as a result now has arthritis - and he's only three!
The pond was next - full of ducks, geese, swans and waterhens.
As a diversion from all the animals, I also took a couple photo's of the plants.
Some roos in the next kanagroo enclosure were hoping to get into the Euro enclosure.
An emu drinking from a leaking water tap.
These little guys wouldn't sit still for us.
But these guys were happy to oblige.
And seeing as it was Easter, I had to get a photo of a bilby.
Some not so friendly snakes.
And finally, a kookaburra that only minutes before had stolen bread off a table at the cafe.